• Families are charged based on a daily rate. You will be charged every friday for your previous week.

  • There is a reservation fee of $45 for any missed days on your normal schedule, regardless of if its a half day or full day enrollment.

    For example, if your enrollment is Mondays and Fridays, and you miss Friday, you will only be charged the $45 for that Friday.

    Missed days where the reservation fee takes place include sick days, holidays, and any absensed regardless of notice.

    You will not be charged for daycare closure days such as holidays, my vacation time, or my sick days.

  • 8-830am - Arrival and free play

    830-9am - Circle time, stories, songs

    9-930am - activity/outside time

    930-10am -snack

    1030-1130am - shelf work, free play

    1130-1230pm - lunch, outside time

    1230-230pm - nap time

    230-3pm snack

    3-330pm - activity

    330-5pm - free play, closing circle, clean up, and departures.

    Please keep in mind! This is just a sample schedule. My little's playgroup prides itself on flexibility. You are able to drop off and pick up anytime in between 8am to 5pm for a full day, and anytime between 8am to 1230pm for a half day.

    This is our schedule for our once a day nappers. Our babies tend to nap 2x day, and their sleep schedule will be accomodated and fit into our daily schedule.

  • Naptime for our one-a-day nappers typically happens between 1230-230.

    We set the room for nap time with black out curtains, a sound machine, and a monitor so they can be closely watched throughout the period.

    We start with a story, soft music and songs, and gentle back rubs if needed.

    If any of the children are having trouble with nap time, they are checked on and have help with soothing back to sleep.